Q 1 |
What does "VLBI" stand for? |
Q 2 |
When and Where was VLBI born? |
Q 3 |
When did GSI start VLBI? |
Q 4 |
Why are VLBI antennas so big? |
Q 5 |
the material of VLBI antennas... |
Q 6 |
wind / quake resistance of VLBI antenna.. |
Q 7 |
the maximum measurable distance... |
Q 8 |
non-targeted radio signal reception... |
Q 9 |
geodetic and astronomical VLBI... |
Q10 |
other uses of VLBI antennas... |
Q11 |
the current accuracy of VLBI... |
Q12 |
advantages of supersizing antennas... |
Q13 |
the Tsukuba antenna's accuracy... |
Q14 |
measures to antenna deformations... |