Ultra-rapid dUT1 measurement during a CONT11 VLBI Campaign

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The two IVS-stations Onsala (Sweden) and Tsukuba (Japan) participate both in the 15-day Continuous VLBI Campaign 2011 (CONT11) which is currently ongoing. During the sessions the observed data from Onsala and Tsukuba are e-transferred in real-time or near real-time to the VLBI-correlator at Tsukuba. At Tsukuba the Onsala data are converted in near real-time from the Mark5 to the K5-format, subsequentially correlated with the corresponding Tsukuba-data, and a VLBI-database is created. This database is updated after each new scan and several tens of scans have been included in the database, the database is analyzed and dUT1 is estimated automatically. With each new scan incoming the oldest scan is left out from the repeated analysis so that the analysis window includes always the most recent scans. Using this strategy, dUT1 can be monitored in near real-time already during the ongoing IVS-session.
Figures 1 and 2 show the two telescopes involved.
Figure 3 shows correlation plots of the most recent scan correlated.
Figure 4 shows the continuously determined dUT1 results for 15 days using C5++, together with a priori dUT1 values.

e-transfer map
Figure 1: Tsukuba 32-m antenna
Figure 1: Tsukuba 32-m antenna
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Figure 2: Onsala 20-m antenna
Figure 2: Onsala 20-m antenna
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Figure 3: 3-D fringe plots for X-band 1-4 ch obs. #165/165
Figure 3: 3-D fringe plots for X-band 1-4 ch
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Figure 4: Estimated dUT1 values using C5++ with a priori
Figure 5: Estimated dUT1 values using C5++ with a priori
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Each session's result ( C5++ ):














